Learning Center
The Half Halt, part 1
What is it? Why is it used so frequently? What does it really mean when my trainer tells me to half halt? I think I could write a full book on the half halt, the many different ways that it is described and the different aid combinations to achieve it. I...
Set hooves down gently
Please set your horses feet down gently, all the way to the ground, when you are done handling them, don’t drop them! What do I mean by this, any time you pick up your horse’s feet, set them back down when you are done. How often when you are picking out a hoof and...
Memory Foam Half Pads
I get asked a lot about the use of Half Pads when fitting saddles and riding. I'll try and provide an overview of the most common types and some of the benefits and limitations. To start, I'll look at Memory Foam Half Pads. Memory foam seems to be all the rage right...
When to Reschedule
On this cold and snowy day, I just wanted to share a few thoughts about when it is best to rescheduled your appointment. It is important that your horse is healthy and comfortable in their environment during a saddle check or saddle fitting appointment so that they...
Check your Billets
Now that the summer is over, it is a great time to look over your tack and especially your saddle to check for loose stitching. Salt from sweat can erode stitching over time, and the friction of your flaps can wear away the stitches on your billets. Take a moment to...
Saddle Racks
Saddle racks are important for saddle fit. What do the 4 saddle racks in the photo on the left all have in common? They all will leave marks in your flocking. If your saddle is left on one of these racks for a long period of time without proper padding, the rack will...
Stirrup Leathers
Here is a brief overview of some of your options: covered, standard, stability, and webbers. Hide or calf skin covered stirrup leathers are my general recommendation for most situations. What I love about them is that they don't stretch out overtime as they have a...
About Me and this Blog
I’m a trained saddle fitter, horseback riding instructor, dressage rider, life coach, and non-profit consultant. In each of these areas I’ve spent years studying, taking courses, training with experts, and I value each part for how they have combined in my knowledge...
(720) 663-0577